A word of warning (and honest advice), your choice of agent can make or break your move!
Be wary of those agents who force their panel lawyers, brokers etc on you (shocking reviews speak for themselves) or force your prospective buyers to do the same (and withhold offers under duress).
You would be surprised to hear how unscrupulous some firms still are and how that ‘cheap’ fee is anything but!
My advice? Choose an independent agent. One with a personal service, good after sales service and one who recommends good, efficient lawyers (and ultimately who you instruct is your decision and they should support that)….not imposes slow or incompetent ones for a referral fee.
Always ask the agent, do they pay a referral fee to the firms they are pushing on you…an uncomfortable truth, but a valid question.
Having worked as a residential property lawyer in Bristol for over 25 years, I’ve considerable experience of various institutions and have a good handle on the good agents, the bad and the ones that may give you a headache.
You have been warned!
On a positive note, when you are under offer or have an offer accepted, you know where to find me for a no obligation quote 👍🏻
My online reviews speak for themselves. Over 100 5* Trust Pilot reviews for me alone…#justsaying😉🏡