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Our Conveyancing

Freehold Sale

We deal with all aspects of a freehold sale from issuing the contract pack, dealing with enquiries and any associated conveyancing processes

Freehold Purchase

Most freehold purchases are straight forward. We deal with all aspects of these, from checking the title, raising enquiries and reporting to you

Leasehold sale

These are generally a lot more laborious that freehold sales, as in most cases, there are third party landlords, managing agents and management companies to deal with, but we will guide you through.

Leasehold Purchase

These are notoriously more complex than freehold purchases, as there is a lot more paperwork to go through (and a lot more legislation – more recently as a result of the cladding scandal and fire risk issues and remediation).


We act for clients and lenders in connection with residential property remortgages,  which is when you move your mortgage on your  existing property, from one lender to another. 

Transfer of Equity

This is when a property’s owner adds or removes a person (or people) to and from the title no the home, altering the ownership of the property from a legal perspective (sometimes subject to a mortgage, or remortgage, court order or with funds changing hands).